Great Night At Manchester Confidential Poker Freezeout

Manchester 235 Poker LoungeWhile the big name poker events and tournaments will always grab the headlines and attention, there are plenty of great poker opportunities for players up and down the country taking place all the time. If you have a genuine interest in poker and you want to get out and play against real opponents, there has never been a better time for you to do so.

One such place where you can enjoy a great poker game is at the poker room of the Manchester 235 venue and they have been having success with Freezeout events. There was a big Christmas Confidential Freezeout that got everyone buzzing and it meant that there were plenty of folk looking forward to the Spring event which inevitably followed. In total just less than 100 poker players were involved with the event and there was a prize pool of over £2,300 on offer at the event.

Competition and compromises at the final table

The final ten players at the poker event were Tim Wagner who received £30 for his efforts and in ninth place was Chris Evans who also received £30 for his troubles. In eighth place was Sam Kalu who grabbed £60 and in seventh place was Royce Joseph who picked up £90. In sixth place was Daniel Shapiro who earned himself £130 and Jeff Thomas came in fifth, picking up £170. In fourth place was Angela Houghton who received £240.

David HerrityThe final three players all came to an agreement that they would take £500 each and would then play for an additional £75. The third placed player should have received £50, the second placed player should have earned £480 and the winner should have picked up £745. David Herrity was the real winner of the tournament but in financial terms, he was the big loser as he dropped a lot of money compared to what he would have received if they played without an agreement. Second placed Nick Bowyer was slightly better off, picking up £500 for his efforts rather than the £480 he would have been due for being a runner up.

In some ways, the player that finished third, Mihai Pop was the real winner. Third placed should have earned a prize of £350 but there was a £500 reward coming to Mihai thanks to the agreement made. The praise and confidence that comes with winning a poker tournament is obviously a key factor so in that sense David will still be delighted at winning the big poker event but you just wonder if David and Nick will be feeling a little bit jealous of the way that Mihai managed to do much better with respect to money coming in compared to money that should have been brought in!