Victoria Coren Just About Makes It To The EPT Grand Final

Victoria CorenOne of the best things about twitter is that you can stay in touch with breaking news from people and sources that you enjoy and admire. For some people this can be a very informative way to stay in touch with the world around you and with the stories that are relevant to your life. There are plenty of different ways in which you can engage and interact with other people too if that is what you like, so twitter is definitely the best social medium for a lot of people.

It is also a great tool to have to follow the top UK poker players and find out what they are up to. Some poker players will focus on their poker activities and will talk about the events they are playing in. Other poker players will give you an insight into life that you may not otherwise get, which is definitely something that is of interest to many people. With celebrity gossip being so important at the moment, having direct access to news about celebrities and famous people is definitely a service that many people would willingly sign up for.

It was Monte Carlo or Bust for Victoria Coren!

If you follow Victoria Coren on Twitter, you will know that she suffered a bit of trouble in her attempts to make it to Monte Carlo for the EPT Final. Thanks to an hour delay on the Eurostar, Victoria missed out on the connecting train to Nice, which was the last one of the day. Some people will say that this was her own fault not building in more lag time for her trip but there are times when people can only do so much to plan ahead.

This left Victoria and her travelling companion Nikhil Persaud, who also has a dislike of travelling, with a problem about how they would get to their destination on time. Staff on the Eurostar said that it was impossible to get to Monte Carlo and so Coren and Persaud found themselves in Toulon with no further trains and a lack of hire cars being available. This led Coren to glibly remark that she may just look for a poker game in Toulon.

Things went a bit quiet as she no doubt set about finding a proper solution as opposed to moaning on twitter and then some good news came through. Coren tweeted late on Monday night that she had made it to Monte Carlo! As she remarked herself, this may have used up all her luck before the tournament begins but every real poker player knows that sometimes you have to make your own luck.