Viva Max Poker Bonus

So we have launched our UK version of Max Poker Bonus on Wednesday the 24th of September and are of course happy and proud parents of our latest baby. But September has been a very important and successful month for more reasons than that. The last weekend of the month has seen us attending the CAP Barcelona and striking some great deals that will benefit you, our partners and our site. A future which already looked bright has become even brighter after the CAP Barcelona 2008 and our existing and new partners have expressed a lot of interest and confidence in our project which we appreciate a lot.

We are proud to have the backing of some of the really big names in the industry and we will ensure that you as players will get the best deals and support so you can simply focus on playing poker. If at any time you have suggestions, ideas or complaints of any kind we will be more than happy to hear from you – simply contact us with anything that is on your mind (well, poker related if possible… although we might be happy for you purchasing that new car that you always wanted we feel that you should rather tell your wife about it even if you risk her asking you for a diamond ring afterwards).

As mentioned the CAP was very successful for us and our project and despite all the exhaustion of that busy weekend we will make sure to update a lot of info in the upcoming days as well as implement the last few missing pieces of the English site (payment methods and our glossary). In the meantime we encourage you to check out some of our other features like our already famous Max Poker Bonus Calculator, Poker Odds Calculator and our constantly updated Tournament List. Having said that we already have a lot more planned – people who know us from our German Max Poker Bonus website already know that this is never an empty promise and we will live up to it. Look forward to not only a full implementation of all the features already in use at the German version but additional features as well as some fine tuning on already existing ones in order to make comparing poker rooms, bonuses and other interesting information even easier and more accessible.

On a side note: another thing we learned in Barcelona was to cut down on our sleeping hours drastically and learn to sleep while commuting on the metro to and from meetings. We will try to perfect this to a point where we actually “anti-sleep” and will be able to get 28 hours of work stuffed into one day – our goal is not a 24/7 work ethic but to reach at least a 28/8.

A lot of our future plans have now become reality and we are of course very excited about that. We will not be running out of ideas any time soon (or ever) which for you means that there are good and interesting times ahead indeed. If you are serious about playing poker you have come to the right place. We will make sure to provide you with our Austrian semi-pro poker player’s (who coincidently is called Max) blogs and tips that have already proven valuable to many other players. We are convinced you will like what you see and you will profit from our offers.